Surprise at Galilee…
We were cleaning our nets
After a really bad night of fishing.
Then this guy jumped in my boat 
And started preaching to a crowd of people. 
After finishing His teaching 
He said, "Go to the deep water
And let down your nets for a catch."
This guy was no fisherman for sure!
Grudgingly, we let the nets down.
Now, where did all those fish come from?
The nets were tearing…
The boat was about to sink…
I fell on my knees before this Jesus
Who talked about God's love.
I'm just a simple fisherman… A sinner…
I will follow Him!

Luke 5:1-11


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First Steps in Faith…
Boldly I step out of the boat toward the 
Shining Light,
Ripples radiating behind me with each step.
Fish watch in amazement…
I'm walking to Jesus on the water!
This is so cool…
The Shining light beckons me.
I'm wrapped in His Light
Floating on and on…                                          
Lighter than sea foam in the wind,
Dancing from wave to wave…
My eyes wide open… I'm bold…
Why is that rooster walking behind me?
Are my feet getting heavy? 

Matthew 14:29


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That Sinking Feeling…
What the…?
Waves suddenly splash over my feet…
Where did that wind come from?
I'm terrified…
The waves are splashing higher and higher!
My feet sink into the sea,
Has He deserted me?
Save me!
I sink like a rock…
Where is the Shining Light?
The waves dash over my head.
Surprised fish swim around me.
And that rooster is still with me!

Matthew 14:30


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Jesus Took Peter by the Hand…
I sink deeper…
I flail my arms,
Grasping for salvation… Hope…
The taste of bitter sea water…fish…
A fisherman who can't swim.
Something takes hold of my hand…
The hand of Jesus!
He pulls me back into the bouncing boat,
Back with the Shining Light.
The wind dies down…
My heart calms down…
Why did I doubt?
Why didn't I trust the love of God?
I'm still that simple fisherman… A sinner.

Matthew 14:31


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Denying the Hand of Jesus…
I sit and weep…
My heart is like a rock.
How was I to know 
They would ask those tough questions?
Accusing me?
I had to deny knowing Him…
They would string me up too.
Now that rooster is back… Big time!
Just as He said.
Still a simple fisherman of little faith,
I have doubted Him again and again.
Reach out Your hand to me once more…
Let us walk the waves together again.
I need your love…

Matthew 26:69-75


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Fire in the Sky…
It was Pentecost…
A rushing wind…
Tongues of fire appeared in the sky
And came to rest on the disciples.
They were filled with the Holy Spirit…
Then Peter preached to a curious crowd.
They were amazed and perplexed
By the unexpected eloquence
From a simple fisherman…
He stood firm as a rock
And used words like a net.
This man who thrice denied Jesus
Was drawing in new believers.
Now that's fishing!

Acts 2:1-14


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Taking Up the Net…
Peter took up his net again…
That net torn with the weight of fish
In the big surprise at Galilee
When his wild adventures began
As an excited disciple of Jesus.
Now that net was strong
And Peter was bold and full of faith
Calmly walking the waves
Eyes wide open to the glory of God's light.
The simple fisherman
Who always needed the hand of Jesus
Drew in a harvest of believers
The empty cross before him…
And that rooster is long gone!  

Acts 4:8-12


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This Computer Mediated Art is printed at        13.3" x 18" and matted and framed at 18" x 24"

Go to "Jauntin'- About my Art" for prices on vertical art.


For more information on the Apostle Peter artwork and poems, e-mail Robin at



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