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All Artwork is Computer  Mediated and printed on art quality paper with an ink jet printer (Giclee) at 13.3 x 18 inches and normally matted and framed at 18 x 24 inches. For more info and prices on my art, go to: 

Jauntin' - about my Art



Comments? RobinJaunt@aol.com

Scroll to Right to Walk through the Gallery...

The Broccoli Bounce...

The Mingus Tree Moves...

Hickory Hop...

Go, Go, Ginkgo...

Butternut Hickory Hopping...

Fantasy Tree Striding...

Rhythmic Oak...

Red Oak Rhythms...

Pin Oak Prancing...

Willow Oak Walkin'...

Red Maple Flying...

Paper-Mulberry and Friend...